Source code for pyrs.resource.base

import inspect

import werkzeug

from . import lib
from . import gateway

[docs]class Directory(object): #: Tuple should be presented as ('/path', Resource, [namespace]) resources = None host = 'localhost' def __init__(self, parent=None, **config): self._parent = parent self.functions = {} self.rules = werkzeug.routing.Map() self.adapter = self.rules.bind( for resource in self.resources or (): self.add(*resource) self.setup()
[docs] def setup(self): pass
[docs] def match(self, path_info, method): endpoint, kwargs = self.adapter.match(path_info, method) func = self.functions[endpoint] return func, kwargs
[docs] def add(self, path, resource, prefix=''): if inspect.isfunction(resource): self._add_function(path, resource, prefix) elif inspect.isclass(resource): self._add_class(path, resource(), prefix) else: self._add_class(path, resource, prefix)
@property def parent(self): return self._parent or self @property def root(self): _root = self while _root._parent: _root = _root.parent return _root
[docs] def _add_class(self, path, resource, prefix=''): members = lib.get_resource_members(resource) if not members: raise ValueError( "There is no endpoint in the given resource: %s" % resource ) if not prefix: prefix = getattr(resource, '_name', lib.get_fqname(resource)) for member in members: opts = lib.get_meta(member) self._add_function(path+opts['werkzeug_path'], member, prefix)
[docs] def _add_function(self, path, resource, prefix=''): opts = lib.get_meta(resource) if opts: if prefix: prefix += '#' name = prefix+opts['name'] self.rules.add(self._make_rule(path, opts['methods'], name)) if 'forward' in opts: if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' self.rules.add(self._make_rule( path+'<path:path>', opts['methods'], name )) self.functions[name] = resource else: raise ValueError( "The given function (%s) is not and endpoint endpoint" % resource )
[docs] def _make_rule(self, path, methods, endpoint): return werkzeug.routing.Rule(path, methods=methods, endpoint=endpoint)
[docs]class Scope(object): Response = gateway.Response def __init__(self, request, application): self.request = request self.application = application @property def response(self): if not getattr(self, '_response', None): self._response = self.Response() self._response.parse_request(self.request) return self._response
[docs] def forward(self, resource, path='/'): return self.application.forward(self, path, resource)
[docs]class Dispatcher(Directory): Response = gateway.Response
[docs] def dispatch(self, request, path=None, scope=None): if path is None: path = request.path if scope is None: scope = Scope(request=request, application=self) try: func, kwargs = self.match(path, request.method) meta = lib.get_meta(func) kwargs.update(request.parse(meta)) if meta.get('scope') is True: kwargs.update(scope=scope) content = func(**kwargs) if isinstance(content, gateway.Response): return content return scope.response.produce(request, content) except Exception as ex: return self.Response.from_exception(ex)
[docs] def forward(cls, scope, path, resource): if isinstance(resource, Dispatcher): return resource.dispatch(scope.request, path, scope) dispatcher = Dispatcher() dispatcher.add('', resource) return dispatcher.dispatch(scope.request, path, scope)
[docs]class App(Dispatcher): @gateway.Request.application
[docs] def wsgi(self, request): return self.dispatch(request)