Source code for pyrs.resource.errors

from pyrs import schema
import six
import werkzeug

from . import lib

[docs]class DetailsSchema(schema.Object): """ Details part of the error schema. Additional properties possible. """ traceback = schema.Array() args = schema.Array() class Attrs: additional = True
[docs]class ErrorSchema(schema.Object): """ Describe how the error response should look like. Goal of this schema is a minimalistic but usable error response. """ error = schema.String(required=True) error_description = schema.String() error_uri = schema.String() message = schema.String() details = DetailsSchema()
[docs] def to_raw(self, value, context=None): raw = { 'error': value.error or lib.get_fqname(value) } if value.args and value.args[0]: raw['message'] = value.args[0] if value.description: raw['error_description'] = value.description if value.uri: raw['error_uri'] = value.uri details = self.get_details(value) if details: raw['details'] = details return raw
[docs] def get_details(self, ex): """ Gives back detailed information about the error and the context. By default its an empty dictionary. The `debug` depends on the debug parameter should give back traceback information and the positional arguments of the exception. As this is part of the message should conform with the `ErrorSchema`. """ details = {} if ex.details: details = ex.details.copy() if self.get_attr('debug', False): details['traceback'] = ex.traceback details['args'] = ex.args[1:] details.update(ex.get_details(self.get_attr('debug', False))) return details
[docs]class Error(Exception): """ This is the base exception of this framework. The response based on this exception will be a JSON data """ #: HTTP status code (default=500) status = 500 #: HTTP Response headers, (default None processed as empty) headers = None #: Error code should be a string. If it's not specified the class fully #: qualified name will be used error = None #: Description of error. Should give details about the error #: In the message it will appearing as error_description description = None #: Reference for this error. You can pointing out a documentation which #: gives more information about how could this error happen and how could #: be possible to avoid uri = None #: None used as empty dict. Gives extra information about this error which #: could be parsed by the consumer of API. details = None #: You can specify your schema class for validating your message #: By default the application default error schema the `ErrorSchema` will #: be used schema = ErrorSchema def __init__(self, *args, **details): super(Error, self).__init__(*args) if six.PY3: self.traceback = lib.parse_traceback(self.__traceback__) cause = self.__cause__ or self.__context__ else: self.traceback = lib.get_traceback() cause = None self.cause = details.pop('cause', cause) self.details = details
[docs] def get_headers(self): """ This method gives back the header property by default or an empty dict, but you can override, then provide special headers based on the context """ return self.headers or {}
[docs] def get_status(self): """ This method gives back the status property by default which will be threated as HTTP status code. You can override, then provide your own status code based on the context. """ return self.status
[docs] def get_details(self, debug=False): """ Gives back detailed information about the error and the context. As this is part of the message should conform with the `DetailsSchema`. """ return {}
[docs] def wrap(cls, original): """ Wraps the exception gives back an `Error` instance. The created `Error` instance `error` property will be updated by the fully qualified name of the `original` exception. You could use it for `Error` instances as well, though is not recommended. """ if isinstance(original, NotImplementedError): ex = cls(*original.args) ex.error = 'NotImplemented' ex.status = 501 elif isinstance(original, werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException): ex = cls(original.description) ex.status = original.code ex.error =' ', '') else: ex = cls(*original.args, cause=original) ex.error = lib.get_fqname(original) return ex
[docs]class InternalServerError(Error): status = 500 error = 'InternalServerError'
[docs]class ClientError(Error): """ Generic Client Error. Normally the client errors have 4xx status codes. """ status = 400
[docs]class NotFound(ClientError): error = 'NotFound' status = 404
[docs]class BadRequestErrorSchema(ErrorSchema): errors = schema.Array()
[docs] def to_raw(self, value, context=None): message = super(BadRequestErrorSchema, self).to_raw( value, context=context ) if value.errors: message['errors'] = value.errors return message
[docs]class BadRequestError(ClientError): """ Request cannot be processed because of an error. """ schema = BadRequestErrorSchema error = 'BadRequest' def __init__(self, message=None, errors=None, **details): super(BadRequestError, self).__init__(message, **details) self.errors = errors